Outlaw motorcycle gang colours and terminology
The term "colours" refers to the official uniform for all members of an outlaw motorcycle gang. Colours consist of:
- a sleeveless jacket (denim or leather)
- the club logo on the back
- other patches and pins on the front
Colours always remain the property of the club. Below are examples of 1% outlaw motorcycle gangs' colours. (All photos were taken in public places by police.)

A back of a Hells Angels Motorcycle Club colours leather vest with patches of the club's logo (profile of skull with an orange and red angel wing), "Hells Angels MC", "New Brunswick" and "A.F.F.A".

A back of an Outlaws Motorcycle Club colours leather vest with patches of the club's logo (a stylized skull and cross bones), "Outlaws MC" and "Canada".

A back of a Bacchus Motorcycle Club colours leather vest with patches of the club's logo (a skull with gladiator helmet), "Bacchus MC" and "Canada".
Be aware of the following acronyms used by outlaw motorcycle gangs:
- A.F.F.A.
- "Angels Forever, Forever Angels"
- A.F.F.L.
- "Angels Forever, Forever Loaded"
- A.O.A.
- American Outlaws Association (Outlaws MC)
- O.F.F.O.
- "Outlaws Forever, Forever Outlaws"
- B.F.F.B.
- "Bacchus Forever, Forever Bacchus"
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