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Royal Canadian Mounted Police

National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report 2021-2022

On this page

  1. Background
  2. Committee discussions and recommendations
  3. RCMP response to Committee recommendations
  4. National Headquarters Division
  5. Newfoundland and Labrador - B Division
  6. Manitoba - D Division
  7. British Columbia - E Division
  8. Saskatchewan - Division
  9. Northwest Territories - G Division
  10. Nova Scotia - H Division
  11. New Brunswick - J Division
  12. Alberta - K Division
  13. Yukon - M Division
  14. Ontario - O Division
  15. Depot Division
  16. Nunavut - V Division


The implementation of Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees across the RCMP was one of the change initiatives agreed to by the RCMP in the Merlo and Davidson v. Canada settlement agreement. The settlement agreement was approved by the courts on May 30, 2017. One committee in each of the 16 RCMP Divisions, and one National committee, were established to serve as an internal advice-giving forum to Divisional Commanding Officers and the Commissioner on matters related to gender, sexual orientation, harassment, equity and inclusivity, all working to build on the RCMP's efforts towards eliminating harassment and discrimination from the workplace. The Committees were formed to reflect a diversity of identities and experiences to help encourage active discourse from a variety of perspectives.

The National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee, which is chaired by the Commissioner, reviews the recommendations submitted by the Divisional Committees. The National Committee will produce a publicly-available Annual Report containing the recommendations made to the RCMP, and the RCMP will issue a response to the Committee recommendations.

Committee discussions and recommendations

Divisional Committees

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and related capacity issues, some divisional Committees encountered challenges in holding all regular meetings. Given the challenges, some Committee reports incorporate activities not necessarily led by divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees, but reflect activities of other divisional committees that contribute to broader Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee goals related to equity and inclusion.

Over the past year, divisional Committees explored issues such as:

  • Harassment prevention and resolution
  • Equity, diversity and inclusion
  • Employee well-being
  • Training and learning

Recommendations from divisional Committees to the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee varied, however two key recommendations are highlighted:

  • The need to ensure regular interactions between Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees and more direct communication between national and divisional Committees; and
  • The need for increased awareness of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution processes.

National Committee


In the 2021-2022 fiscal year, as part of the Core Values Renewal Initiative, the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee as well as members of the Divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees were invited to provide input that would renew the RCMP's core values and to develop an organizational values statement. A total of 18 consultations were held with employees across the country, with an additional 12 presentations to groups external to the RCMP, including Indigenous nation-builders, stakeholders and advisory committees. The sessions were facilitated over Microsoft Teams due to pandemic restrictions. The consultation with National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee, along with the National Council for Diversity and Inclusion, was held on June 3, 2021, while the representatives of the Divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees attended a second session on June 23, 2021.

RCMP response to Committee recommendations

Engagement between the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution and the national and divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees will be ongoing. Throughout 2021-2022, the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution met with Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee reps from E Division to discuss the role of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution and how the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution and the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee could work together in the future. The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution met with a member of the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee to discuss the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution's policy and model for harassment and violence resolution in relation to the RCMP's application of the Bastarache Report.

In 2021-2022, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit formally took on the secretarial function of the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee from the Gender-Based Analysis Plus Centre of Expertise, merging the National Council for Diversity and Inclusion and National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee. As part of continued efforts to stabilize and define a renewed governance structure, the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit will collaborate with National Council for Diversity and Inclusion, National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee, and divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee members to revise and establish new Terms of Reference. The renewed governance structure will formalize the establishment of regular interactions between the national and divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees.

National Headquarters Division


  • Held a meeting on December 14, 2021 to welcome our two newly appointed Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee members.
  • We discussed the current and future plans for the committee and due to our small size and shared interests it was agreed that for the time being our committee would attend and participate in the National Headquarters Divisional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee meetings and activities.


  • Provide regular briefings to the Director General of National Headquarters:
    • What is being accomplished in regards to gender-based harassment within the workplace and what challenges are being faced.
    • Provide information on upcoming events: workshops, speakers, courses, and conferences.

Current status

  • Developing new Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee National Headquarters Infoweb pages with the help of a Strategic Communications Advisor for DG National Headquarters.
  • Finalized the setup of the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee generic email account.
  • Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee members will review the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference.
  • Explore virtual and in-person presentations and lectures on gender-based harassment that can be shared with the committee.
  • Engage with other Divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees to get a broader sense of what issues they face and what their best practices are. Look at how we can leverage this information for the National Headquarters Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee.
  • Collaborating with the National Headquarters Divisional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion committee on projects and initiatives.

Next steps

  • Various communication strategies are being developed and implemented to support each of these initiatives.
  • Solicitation of new National Headquarters Division members via the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee email account addressed to all National Headquarters Division employees in the new year (2023).
  • Recruit new committee members.
  • Update the Divisional Infoweb pages to create a dedicated landing page for committees that will include information on Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee.
  • Explore using the Infoweb to share resources and information with employees on gender and harassment topics.


  • We have no recommendations at this time.

Newfoundland and Labrador - B Division


  • B Division did not hold any committee meetings this past year, in part due to the ongoing public health emergency and the transition related to a change in Commanding Officer which took the better part of the year.
  • Although the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee did not formally meet, the Division did complete a number of related activities identified under various Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and Well-being strategies, including but not limited to:
    • B Division established the Women's Advisory Committee, focusing on the development of women in their current and future roles within the organization. A symposium was planned for September 2021, however was postponed due to a spike in COVID-19.
    • June 2021, Contract and Indigenous Policing, in partnership with the St. John's Friendship Centre, hosted a Women's Retreat which incorporated Indigenous values and beliefs with leadership, spiritual and self-awareness principles promoting women's health within the organization. 20 women participated in the retreat.
    • B Division prioritized Workplace Harassment and Violence training for all employees and completed workplace harassment and violence assessments for all Detachments. This was monitored by the Division Occupational Safety Officer.
    • Continued engagement by the Contract and Indigenous Policing Unit with diverse groups throughout the province.


  • The committee did not meet and as such, did not establish any objectives for the past year.

Current status

  • All original committee members have now completed their 3-year commitment.
  • All positions within the Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee are currently vacant.

Next steps

  • Re-establish the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee with the support of the new Commanding Officer.
  • Identify new committee members.


  • There are a number of related divisional committees and strategies currently in place (Equity, Diversity and Inclusion, Women's Advisory Group, RCMP Black Engagement Steering Committee-Newfoundland, etc.). These various committees/strategies often have similar objectives and appear to be duplicating work. B Division is a small division and many committee members sit on multiple committees which can lead to committee fatigue. Divisions should be given the latitude to decide whether Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee will operate as a separate committee, or folded into another committee where the objectives align.

Manitoba - D Division


  • No meetings were held in 2021.


  • Not applicable

Current status

  • Not applicable

Next steps

  • Re-establish regular, recurring meetings with the new Commanding Officer.
  • Ensure representative and diverse committee membership from all categories of employees.


  • None at this time.

British Columbia - E Division


  • March 5, 2021 was the closing date for divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee applications.
  • The E Division Diversity and Inclusion Unit, which provides secretarial functions for the Committee and facilitates Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee activities in the division.
  • The Diversity and Inclusion Unit received the new list members for the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee cycle from the Office of the E Division Commanding Officer in September 2021.
  • Deputy Commissioner Dwayne McDonald became the Commanding Officer for E Division in July 2021 chaired the inaugural meeting with the newly introduced Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee on November 21, 2021.
  • The next meeting was slated in the new fiscal year for May 2022.


The Committee identified the following initiatives to work on:

  • Create a challenge coin to recognize employees' contributions towards advancing equity, diversity and inclusion.
  • Develop learning materials for Gender-Based Analysis Plus to be shared with employees.
  • Connect with the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution to understand the workflow for the resolution process and produce resources for employees assisting them through the process if they were not available from Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution.
  • Analyze the recommendations in the Bastarache Report to identify action items that could be applied at the divisional level.
  • Promote the Positive Space training courses and develop a Positive Space program for E Division.

Current status

  • The Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee members formed groups to support moving the above noted objectives forward.

Next steps

  • Committee members continue to work on their initiatives and will provide a status update in the next meeting which is scheduled to take place in May 2022.


  • The E Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee recommends that the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee interacts with divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees regularly to share information such as changes, successes, and challenges at the national level that may intersect with the initiative being pursued at the divisional level.

Saskatchewan - F Division


  • The last F Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee meeting was held on October 15, 2021.


  • To promote awareness of the F Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee, its mandate, and initiatives to F Division employees.
  • For F Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee to become more knowledgeable in the areas of harassment, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity, equity, and inclusivity so we can share information with divisional employees and advise the Commanding Officer accordingly.

Current status

  • Corporal Rielly Knock continues to represent F Division on the National Council for Diversity and Inclusion.
  • F Division continues to have an active Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee.
  • F Division has hired a full time Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Coordinator. Mr. Patrick Pelletier assumed the role on April 1, 2022.
  • In June, 2022 F Division Headquarters raised the Pride flag in front of the building and had a Pride display in the front show case. Employees also participated in the Queen City Pride parade.

Next steps

  • F Division will await further guidance and vision for the role of the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committees from the National Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit.


  • None at this time.

Northwest Territories - G Division


In 2021, G Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee met on October 2021. Carried over from previous annual report is Serving with Pride, Indigenous Cultural Orientation, and discussions surrounding Employee Wellness, moral injury, and Graduated Return to Work opportunities and differences among all categories of employees.


  • Shared Outlook Proxy
  • Ongoing Cultural Orientation
  • Serving with Pride
  • Employee Wellbeing

Current status

  • Shared Outlook Proxy - G Division Information Technology has been short staffed and unable to provide updates at this time.
  • Ongoing Cultural Orientation - Due to COVID-19, many of the past avenues used for local Yellowknife/Headquarters Cultural were paused in order to protect elders/communities - following Chief Public Health Officer orders. In light of the break of off-site land training, 2 local employees have created an in-house cultural history/orientation, which has been delivered to several units within Headquarters, as well as North and South Detachments via virtual avenues. Going forward following CPHO orders, both on-land cultural orientation and the new Local History/Orientation will be delivered to all employees of G Division.
  • Serving with Pride - Program put on hold due to COVID-19 and Chief Public Health Officer orders. Virtual presentations were being prepared should Chief Public Health Officer continue to be an obstacle in delivering information and presentations.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Looking at different routes and most appropriate methods for access/recourses for employees relating to Peer to Peer, Conflict Resolution, Graduated Return to Work/Pregnant Member Working moral injury and all together employees well being.
    • Looking at virtual events/speakers
    • Breaking down barriers of concern of confidentiality - Peer to Peer
    • How can we educate outside lnfoWeb, etc.?

Next steps

  • Shared Outlook Proxy - Continues to be on Information Technology task list.
  • Ongoing Cultural Orientation - With Chief Public Health Officer orders lifted, more on-land Cultural Orientation will be scheduled. Continue path with employee-led training on history/local culture. Continue to look at further opportunities for a variance of Cultural Orientation including Islam Society, 2SLGBTQI+ communities, etc.
  • Serving with Pride - Continue to move forward with Detachment visits as per Chief Public Health Officer orders.
  • Employee Wellbeing - Looking at education opportunities for employees to learn and see the available resources available to them in various work/life situations. Continue to have Employee Management Relations Officer/Peer to Peer and members of Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee attend and meet with Detachments and employees for a face to face point of contact/rapport.


  • Cross information opportunities between divisional committees - possibly learn of small initiatives or steps they have taken that has seen an impact.

Nova Scotia - H Division


  • The Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee in H Division was fully staffed and operational from 2017 until 2020;
  • The H Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee has not met since 2020 due to retirement and transfer of Committee members;
  • Significant events within H Division (COVID-19, mass shooting incident in Portapique, fisheries dispute, etc.) contributed to the dissolving of the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee within the Division.


  • As per the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference, the Commanding Officer, who is chair of the Committee, will reach out to the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee to facilitate the call-out, application, and selection of new Committee members;
  • H Division is committed to re-establishing the Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee in the fall upon the arrival of the new Commanding Officer.

Current status

  • The H Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee did not meet in the 2021-22 fiscal year, as the majority of the Committee members have either retired or transferred out of the Division, including the H Division Commanding Officer, Assistant Commissioner Lee Bergeman.

Next steps

  • The interim Commanding Officer (or delegate) will reach out to the National Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee to facilitate a call-out for H Division employees to formulate the next Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee.


  • None at this time.

New Brunswick - J Division


  • The J Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee did not meet in 2021 due to the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and the loss of several members due to transfer or retirement. However, J Division maintained key activities monitored through the Annual Performance Plan to deliver employee well-being activities and ensure a healthy work environment.


  • Promote a healthy workforce through targeted prevention, early intervention and support.

Current status

  • J Division implemented objectives within the Annual Performance Plan to continue to foster a safe, healthy and supportive workplace for all employees.
  • J Division has created an ad hoc committee composed of the Administration and Personnel Officer, Sgt. Major, Employee Management Relations Officer, Executive Officer and the Division Occupational Health and Safety Officer to review the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution implemented on June 30, 2021 to better understand and give employees clear communication on the new process that is accessible and supports accountability.

Next steps

  • J Division has communicated with the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee in regards to current vacant positions and National will be taking steps in the coming weeks to support Divisions in running processes to fill the vacancies that have been identified.
  • Once the employees are selected and named by the Commissioner and the committee is composed per the Settlement Agreement, a chair will be named and we will host the first annual divisional committee meeting for 2022.
  • Committee to provide recommendations to enhance morale, leadership, supervision, and healthy workplaces to ensure employee concerns are raised to the highest level and to identify risk factors within our policing environment.


  • J Division wishes to recommend the implementation of quarterly National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee teleconferences to provide for guidance, best practices, upcoming changes, and updates on the Vision 150 initiatives - Promote healthy and respectful workplace culture.

Alberta - K Division


  • The Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee met on February 11, 2021 and determined the objectives would be combined to create more focus and more attainable measures. Several committee members left the committee for various reasons not related to the committee.
  • After consultation and review, K Division decided it would keep Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion separate at this time unless direction is received from National to ensure meeting Merlo-Davidson legislated requirements.
  • Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee member applications were sent out in March 2022 with significant interest and 5 new committee members joined with 3 returning committee members.
  • The Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee met May 25, 2022 where the new committee members were introduced, the 2019-2022 strategic plan was review and discussions on new initiatives and strategic plan commenced.
  • The Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee with new members met with the K Division Commanding Officer on June 6, 2022 where new strategies around access/resource development, education and the new development of harassments ambassadors with a coordinator were discussed.
  • Professional Responsibility Unit and Divisional Wellness Unit presented Supervisor Development Program and Managers Development Program training courses in 2021-2022), however the number of courses was impacted significantly by the pandemic and public health restrictions until spring of 2022.
  • K Division Informal Conflict Management Practitioners completed 5 Resolving Conflict Effectively courses, 1 Facilitating Collaborative Conversations course for supervisors and many coaching and mediation sessions.
  • Diversity and cultural awareness workshops were presented by Contract and Indigenous Policing throughout the year which included discussions about employee engagement and respectful workplace.


  • Workplace Ambassador for the Division - The creation of an informal network within the division (broadly encompassing Equity, Diversity and Inclusion and this committee's mandates), a person within each Detachment or area who can build trust and engage employee resources, build training, etc. on a person level versus a macro level.
    • There is interest for an Ambassador in rural areas to empower people and to build trust. We can identify problem areas early on, providing us time to participate and support, develop more resources, and focus on increasing Detachment morale.
  • Employee Survey - Provide employees with a survey to gain perspective from all categories, jurisdictions and programs. Possibly engage Informal Conflict Management Practitioners and union representatives/District Advisory Non-Commissioned Officers to identify gaps.
  • Resource Development - Creation of and/or compiling existing user-friendly resources that are not overwhelming to use and easily accessible to all employees. Next Gen Men is an organization advocating for positive masculinity. Creation of resources using language that educates about bias (without blame), and building concepts right into training material.
    • There are current resources with broken links or policy that has been rescinded (for example the harassment policy).

Current status

  • A proposal is in development for the implementation of a toolkit:
    • A subgroup is meeting on June 27, 2022 to start creating accessible information and presentations for supervisors to have discussions with their teams. Create a toolkit for RCMP managers at Detachments to start the conversation about these topics including: activities, lesson plans, etc.
    • Discussions with Organization and Classification about creation of a Harassment Ambassador Coordinator to oversee unit and Detachment ambassadors.
    • Develop process to create and identify harassment ambassadors to do in-house training, accessible in-person conversations, or meetings at Detachments and units to promote discussion and trust.
    • Subgroup discussing a survey to garner relevant and useful information from employees on harassment issues.

Next steps

  • Sub-committee will meet as needed throughout July and August 2022 to develop the plan and meet with the Commanding Officer in September 2022 to start implementation of various strategies.
  • Development of toolkit.
  • Development of survey that will garner valuable and measurable information to further enhance the strategies.


  • More engagement and sharing of information from National. Advising of activities of National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee and other divisions' activities, sharing of material available.
  • Provide more resources to divisions.
  • New Terms of Reference for Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee, current Terms of Reference are out-of-date.

Yukon - M Division


  • Meeting May 19, 2021: A presentation of Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee will be prepared as a refresher of the mandate and its responsibility and how it feeds into the National Committee and will be presented to all members at the next meeting. Recommendation was made to have a gender neutral washroom in our Mess as it is currently being renovated. The new online Harassment Complaint process is now active but they are falling behind as they have received a high volume of complaints. There are no limitations on complaints.
  • Meeting September 22, 2021: Commanding Officer is reporting that he has not received any gender or harassment complaints since our last meeting in May. A presentation was prepared as a refresher of the mandate and its responsibility and how it feeds into the national committee. Will be shared electronically with all Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee members to share within their respective units.
  • Meeting October 21, 2021: The Commanding Officer is reporting that he has not received any gender or harassment complaints since our last meeting. He also briefed all senior management members on the new Harassment Complaints rotational model process.
  • Meeting December 6, 2021: The Commanding Officer is reporting that he has not received any gender or harassment complaints since our last meeting.
  • Meeting February 1, 2022: The Commanding Officer is reporting that he has not received any gender or harassment complaints since our last meeting.
  • Meeting February 23, 2022: The Commanding Officer is reporting that he has not received any gender or harassment complaints since our last meeting. Discussed upcoming changes to human rights negotiations and settlements with Ottawa taking a more centralized role. This will be rolled out in the next 6-12 months and determine how it goes. This will be a more consistent approach on how we settle these cases.


  • Reduce number of harassment complaints within M Division (as we received a major Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution case after February 23).
  • Educate Supervisors on importance of early intervention/reporting on harassment and conflict incidents when they surface.
  • Educate Managers on importance of addressing conflict and harassment complaints in a timely manner.
  • Build overall knowledge and capacity with Senior Managers and Supervisors on the applications of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution process.
  • Promoting overall civility and respect in the workplace.

Current status

  • Senior managers are being brought up to speed on the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution process and applications through harassment cases that have occurred in the Division over the last two years.
  • Non-Commissioned Officers are being educated to the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution process, early intervention and the zero tolerance stance of the RCMP with regards to harassment and more specifically sexual harassment.
  • M Division provided the first workshop on Civility and Respect in the Workplace to all categories of employees this past year with more to come in the current fiscal year.

Next steps

  • Commanding Officer is organizing formal information sessions for Senior Managers and Supervisors on the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution Process and their responsibilities/ obligations to address harassment in a timely manner.
  • Commanding Officer is planning to hold a number of Divisional Town Hall meetings for all categories of employees and reinforce the RCMP's zero tolerance on workplace harassment.
  • The Commanding Officer and his Senior Management Team will continue to advocate for civility and respect in the workplace.


  • Review and improve the recommendations made by Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution investigators on harassment cases as a number of these recommendations appear to demonstrate a lack of understanding and a lack of relevance to the workplace environment in the RCMP.
  • Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution investigators must also improve the consistency and standardization of their reporting. For example, a harassment case can have many assigned Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution investigators who work in different companies and who submit different standards of reporting.
  • With the understanding that the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution is a new process and working through growing pains, it is imperative that the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution reaches a mature process as soon as possible to minimize confusions, errors, and delays for those who have to apply it in the workplace and especially for the victims of harassment who await closure.

Ontario - O Division


  • O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee membership is comprised of the Commanding Officer, 8 divisional employees. The Project Coordinator for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion attends the meetings and provides administrative support to the Committee.
  • O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee held 2 virtual meetings in 2021, the first meeting on June 14, 2021 and the second on October 21, 2021.
  • O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee continues to consult with relevant groups and subject matter resources, including: Divisional and National Harassment Advisor Subject Matter Experts, O Division Real Property Asset Management, O Division Training, O Division Communication, National Communications Services, and the Survey Centre.


The O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee identified, within its logic model, the following responsibilities, outputs, and outcomes:


  • Maintain open, consistent, and collaborative communications with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee;
  • Solicit feedback, concerns, and issues from Divisional employees;
  • Discuss various items;
  • Communicate processes for reporting harassment and gender inequality;
  • Analyze trends in Divisional harassment complaints.


  • Written annual reports;
  • Records of Decision;
  • Two-way communications with Divisional employees;
  • Analysis and provision of solutions to issues related.


  • Increased awareness of legislation, policies, and expectations of behaviours surrounding gender, sexual orientation, harassment, equity, and inclusivity;
  • Increased awareness and confidence in reporting harassment and gender inequity;
  • Decreased incidents and reports of incidents of harassment and discrimination in the workplace;
  • Increased morale and confidence within the organization, specifically among those who identify as female or 2SLGBTQI+.

Current status

Through the continued use of the logic model, O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee accomplished the following objectives:

  • Ongoing updates of the O Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee webpage with a current list of committee representatives and links to the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution webpage and Positive Space initiative.
  • Following consultations with Action, Innovation and Modernization and National Headquarters Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Unit, with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee co-chairs decided against merging the committees at this time.
  • Interim gender neutral washroom signs were posted for applicable washrooms at Toronto North Detachment, Toronto Airport Detachment, GTA Steeles, and Cornwall.
  • The Gender Decoder tool was sent to O Division Recruiting and the National Recruiting Program for consideration.
  • Three divisional employees participated in the National Headquarters Pride Month employee interviews initiative.
  • A Public Opinion Research Individual Plan for the O Division Diversity and Inclusion Questionnaire for Employees was submitted to National Communications for support. This has been supported by Public Services and Procurement Canada and rests with National Communications for seeking the Commissioner's approval to proceed.
  • Committee members provided feedback in relation to the O Division Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy and Action Plan, the RCMP Core Values Review Initiative, staffing process experiences with Public Service Commission, and the new proposed National Council for Diversity and Inclusion Terms of Reference.
  • One committee member participated in the "United Against Racism" national pilot course to provide feedback.
  • Monthly Equity, Diversity and Inclusion learning opportunities offered by various external stakeholders including the Canada School of Public Service and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion were promoted on Spot News for employee participation.
  • A divisional Equity, Diversity and Inclusion challenge coin was designed in consultation with Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee. Coins were procured for distribution as recognition gifts to speakers and employees for their contributions towards the advancement of diversity and inclusion in the workplace.

Objectives affected by the COVID-19 pandemic:

  • RBC grant funding for the Men Advocating for Real Change training initiative was pulled due to ongoing pandemic restrictions. Furthermore, O Division Training recommended exploring Canadian training opportunities that may be more suitable to the Division's equity, diversity and inclusion objectives.

Next steps

  • Real Property Asset Management will procure and post permanent gender neutral washroom signs where feasible in the Division.
  • Public regular Spot News articles to highlight new information added to the divisional Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee
  • Release O Division Diversity and Inclusion Questionnaire to employees once final approval to proceed with this public opinion research is granted by the Commissioner.
  • Continue research and promotion of various learning opportunities to advance diversity, equity and inclusion including those offered by the Canada School of Public Service and the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion.
  • Establish opportunities for O Division contributions and participation in the International Association of Women in Policing Conference 2022.


  • None at this time.

Depot Division


  • Depot created a joint committee consisting of Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee and Depot Diversity Committee. Because Depot is a smaller division, and due to overlapping and similar initiatives, one large group was formed to streamline efforts.


  • The main objective for this past year was to come together as a large group to work collectively and cohesively with a focus on modernizing Depot.
  • A Record of Discussion tracking spreadsheet was created to have a concise snapshot of ideas and tasks assigned to each new committee member, in addition to serving as a historical reference document for new committee members going forward.
  • The joint committee serves as an advisory body to the Commanding Officer.

Current status

Some of the initiatives that Depot has implemented over this past year include:

  • Updates to the "Blues Challenge" - the Blues Challenge is a type of exercise similar to a scavenger hunt where Cadets are tasked with various types of questions that they must source from around the Depot grounds. The challenge has been updated with questions that educate on the historic impact of Indigenous and diverse people on the development and progression of the RCMP, with a focus on truth and reconciliation at Depot.
  • Traditional Indigenous Feast - a previous Depot Cadet approached the committee about holding a feast to share knowledge and information on protocols for Indigenous ceremonies. The feast was held on Depot grounds and many Depot employees and Cadets attended.
  • Review of the Cadet Surveys - Prior to departing Depot, Cadets fill out surveys about their time on base. Our Cadet Resource Liaison reviews these surveys to identify any issues/gaps that could be addressed by the committee.
  • Cadet Toiletry Bags - Historically, Cadets had to keep personal items, including hygiene items, hair products, etc. in an open basket. There were some concerns raised regarding privacy, and therefore the committee has sourced with the help of Depot Stories, an enclosed bag that can be used and will replace the open baskets.
  • Historical Photos around Depot - Photo 'wraps' on electrical boxes, etc. around base are going to be updated with more inclusive images to showcase our diverse culture at Depot.

Next steps

  • The focus for this upcoming year is to implement more of the ideas we were unable to initiate due to pandemic restrictions.
  • Meetings will be held quarterly or more if needed, to further advance initiatives brought forward.


  • None at this time.

Nunavut - V Division


  • Meeting held September 27, 2021. Meeting was moved from beginning of September to end of September due to the shutdown of water services in Iqaluit, Nunavut. Attempted to hold a meeting prior to September, however, with the transfers in and out of V Division, new members had to be identified and approved. In this meeting, welcomed the new members of the committee, discussed Terms of Reference, expectations, and objectives. Discussed the Merlo-Davidson recommendations, in particular, ensuring mental health check-ins with recruits as they work through their 6 months of training in the Division. Further discussed the survey questions brought forward to be sent to the membership and whether surveys at this time were ideal, given a number of surveys that have already been put out to the membership across the Division and nation.
  • Due to further water shortages (no water) in Iqaluit in November/December, a second meeting was not held prior to the end of the year.


  • Provide advice to the Commanding Officer on gender, sexual orientation, harassment, equity, and inclusivity.
  • Provide a vehicle through which the Commanding Officer is advised of developments with respect to workplace harassment.

Current status

  • Committee continues to struggle with maintaining committee member numbers due to transfers. Currently there are 5 members, excluding the Commanding Officer, who are active members, 2 of which are officers. Two of the members are expected to transfer out of V Division by the end of summer 2022.

Next steps

  • Will continue to address the Merlo-Davidson recommendations for 2021-2022.
  • Will continue to address and improve communication with V Division employees through the Infoweb and email accounts.


  • None at this time.
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