Learning resources

Get resources and tools to help you teach youth about bullying and cyberbullying.

Lesson plans

Our ready-to-use lesson plans include engaging activities that will help you connect with youth.

We have the following lesson plans on the topic of bullying and cyberbullying:

  • Cyberbullying – Types, Consequences, Supports (Grades 4-6)
  • Cyberbullying – Impact, Prevention, Resolution (Grades 7-8)
  • Cyberbullying – Conflict, Appropriate Behaviour, Support (Grades 9-10)
  • Cyberbullying and Digital Harassment – Conflict, Consequences, Citizenship (Grades 11-12)

To request one or more of these lesson plans, please send an email to CYCP_CPCJ@rcmp-grc.gc.ca.


These handouts will help you talk to youth about the forms bullying can take, the impact it can have, and how to respond to it.


These programs can help you support bullying prevention.

Walk way, Ignore, Talk it out and Seek help (WITS) Programs Foundation

These prevention programs bring adults and children together to learn simple strategies to resolve conflict. RCMP employees use these programs to talk to students about how to prevent bullying.

Beyond the Hurt: Preventing Bullying and Harassment (Canadian Red Cross)

This program helps youth and adults recognize and prevent bullying and equips them to deliver bullying prevention initiatives in their schools or organizations.

Video-based learning

Use these videos to help educate youth about cyberbullying.

More resources

There are many websites that provide expert advice and facts on bullying and cyberbullying, including:

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