Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution

Summary Issues

Since 2011, the RCMP has been the subject of considerable attention in relation to the manner in which it responds to complaints of workplace harassment. A multitude of studies were completed by a variety of external entities. Each report provided a multitude of recommendations. In addition, a number of individual members have pursued civil claims involving harassment against the RCMP resulting in class action lawsuits.

In response to these reports and recommendations to improve the RCMP harassment process, a new independent harassment and violence prevention resolution regime, the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution, was launched on June 30, 2021.

About the Program

The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution is designed to give employees a trusted and consistent resolution process that is accessible, timely, and supports accountability. The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution also allows the RCMP to implement the changes in the Canada Labour Code Work Place Harassment and Violence Prevention Regulations, which came into effect on January 1, 2021.

The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution is a centralized, independent unit responsible for matters relating to the resolution of harassment and violence occurrences for RCMP employees. The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution reports through the Executive Director to the Chief Administrative Officer and is made up of full-time civilian employees who handle the intake of complaints, case analysis, informal resolution referrals, as well as monitoring of the work place improvement measures. Investigations requested through the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution are carried out by external investigators. The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution also plays a role in the prevention of harassment and violence at the RCMP.

The mission of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution is to contribute to the improvement of the RCMP workplace culture by resolving employee complaints of work place violence and harassment, using an effective, centralized and credible process that is outside the chain-of-command and free of bias or conflict of interest.

Summary of Privacy Issues and Mitigation Strategies
Summary Issues Mitigation Strategies
Increasing the information/data collected to meet reporting requirements All responses for information from clients of the Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution will be voluntary and the creation of new data fields will not change the way personal information is collected, stored or the purpose for which the information is used. All identifiers will be removed before it is used.
Creation of Secondary / Temporary Copies of Files The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution will develop and implement procedures in the Business Rules including a purging of all secondary / temporary copies of files after the file is stored in the WRU-URP Administrative Case Management Tool domain. The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution will ensure that there are rules around the use of the information that is shared for anyone accessing the files i.e. no printing copies or disclosure of information.
Sharing personal information accidently, without the consent of the Principal Party The Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution will mitigate the risk of sharing personal information by updating the WRU-URP Administrative Case Management Tool domain Business Rules and User Guide to include clear direction regarding the sharing of information, including with the divisional resources using Administrative Case Management Tool for the purposes of conduct. This will include clear expectations around the use of personal information, including regular presentations to Independent Centre for Harassment Resolution employees from Access to Information and Privacy representatives in order to ensure a clear understanding of expectations around information management.
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