Integrated Assessment of Regular Member Recruitment - Summary


Regular Member (RM) Recruitment contributes to the achievement of the RCMP's strategic outcome of a safe and secure Canada. It encompasses a continuum of activities from attracting potential applicants to troop loading cadets to Depot. While RM Recruitment is led by the RCMP's Human Resources business line, it is administered in collaboration with Specialized Policing Services (SPS), Strategic Policy and Planning Directorate (SPPD), and RCMP Divisions.

What we examined

The integrated assessment examined the effectiveness of the recruitment process and the costing models for recruitment. It was national in scope, and covered fiscal years 2016-17 to 2018-19.

What we found

The manner in which RM Recruitment is organized and delivered does not adequately ensure the achievement of its goals and objectives. Specifically, RM Recruitment is not guided by an evidence-based strategy, clear mandate and objectives, and a defined governance structure. In addition, the RM Recruitment process is not timely and efficient and is not supported by quality data that enables the effective management of applications.

The absence of clear suitability criteria limits RM Recruitment's ability to effectively target a sufficient number of suitable applicants. Without these, it is difficult to ensure that proactive recruitment, marketing and advertising activities are effective. In addition, with increased demands for police officers and, in the absence of clearly defined suitability criteria, RM recruitment focuses on the quantity of applicants with less focus on the quality of applicants.

Finally, the assessment found that RM Recruitment is not permanently resourced to meet the 40 troop per year requirement.

What we recommend

Based on the findings of the integrated assessment, the following recommendations were made:

  1. Strengthen the RM Recruitment governance structure to clarify roles, responsibilities and accountabilities, and improve communication. Governance should be supported by an updated recruitment policy.
  2. Develop and implement a comprehensive national RM Recruitment strategy that incorporates GBA+ and includes clear goals and objectives, as well as monitoring and reporting mechanisms. This should include proactive recruitment, marketing and advertising.
  3. Review and implement the Force Generation Performance Information Profile to enable ongoing measurement and monitoring of results and support evidence-based decision-making.
  4. Review the RM Recruitment process to identify opportunities to increase timeliness and efficiency. This could include consideration of alternate delivery models.
  5. Ensure the data contained in the various systems related to RM Recruitment is consistent and reliable.
  6. Define the attributes of suitable applicants and provide tools to ensure that suitability assessments are conducted consistently.
  7. Develop tools, training and materials to guide proactive recruitment to ensure that efforts are aligned and targeted to attract a sufficient number of suitable applicants.

For more information or to view the full report, please visit our Internal Audit, Evaluation and Review page.

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