New Brunswick occurrence graphs


The occurrences included in the New Brunswick occurrences map do not represent all calls for service in RCMP jurisdiction in New Brunswick. Further breakdown of the numbers provided in the New Brunswick occurrences map is not available. Annual reconciliation of New Brunswick RCMP statistics is provided in the New Brunswick RCMP annual report.

For more information regarding RCMP calls for service in New Brunswick, please see the daily occurrence reports.

Every attempt is made to provide accurate and consistent information; however, statistics and descriptions may be subject to change based on the results of ongoing investigations, file closures, reclassification of files, and other factors.

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Trendline of total occurrences by month

This chart was last updated: 2024-04-11

Total occurrences by month - Last 24 months

Total occurrences by - Last 24 months - Table
Total occurrences by month - Last 24 months
MonthTotal occurrences
May 202213,741
June 202213,881
July 202214,598
August 202214,660
September 202213,694
October 202213,613
November 202211,304
December 202211,274
January 202310,729
February 20239,976
March 202311,673
April 202312,812
May 202314,171
June 202313,825
July 202314,949
August 202314,420
September 202314,211
October 202313,158
November 202312,135
December 202312,650
January 202411,099
February 202411,224
March 202411,950
April 20243,803

Top 10 criminal occurrences

This chart was last updated: 2024-04-11

Top 10 criminal occurrences - Last 24 months

Top 10 criminal occurrences - Table
Top 10 criminal occurrences - Last 24 months
Occurence typeTotal occurrences
Other theft under $50007,895
Mischief - Damage to property6,785
Mischief - Obstruct enjoyment of property6,703
Uttering threats against a person5,380
Disturbing the peace/Causing a disturbance4,935
Fraud (money/property/security) less than or equal to $50003,465
Theft under or equal to $5000 From a motor vehicle3,210
Break and Enter - Residence2,889
Theft under or equal to $5000 - Shoplifting2,830

Top 10 occurrences

This chart was last updated: 2024-04-11

Top 10 occurrences - Last 24 months

Top 10 occurrences - Last 24 months - Table
Top 10 occurrences - Last 24 months
Occurence typeTotal occurrences
Moving Traffic - Speeding Violations - Provincial/Territorial29,717
Other Non-Moving Traffic - Provincial/Territorial17,989
Mental Health Act - Other Activities11,768
Other Moving Traffic Violations - Provincial/Territorial10,987
Suspicious Person/ Vehicle/ Property10,978
Wellbeing Check9,646
False/Abandoned 911 Call9,119
Crime Prevention8,595
Traffic Collision(s) - Property Damage - Reportable7,978
False Alarms7,954

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