The Life of a Musical Ride Horse: Part 3


The Life of a Musical Ride Horse: Part 3

(A horse trotting around a pen.)
(Text on screen)
Our horses are just about ready for the spotlight of the Musical Ride

(Multiple horses in a paddock.)
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when they're at least six years old, and typically fully grown.

(Multiple riders stand side-by-side with their respective horse.)
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But before they can perform, they first need to be paired up with a rider.

(A female rider pets her horse and gives it a kiss.)
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Once they find the right fit, the riders and horses stay together for the year.

(A male rider brushes his horse.)
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Caring for the horses is their number one priority.

(Multiple riders sweep the floor of the stables in unison.)
(Text on screen)
They make sure the stables and stalls are clean and tidy,

(Multiple horses stand in their stall, drinking and eating.)
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and the horses always have a comfortable place to rest

with fresh bedding every other day.

(A horse eats out of a rider's hand.)
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They feed them four times a day,

making sure to meet any unique dietary needs.

(A male rider brushes his horse.)
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They regularly groom the horses –

(A female rider wipes her horse's face.)
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every morning, before and after they ride and,

(A female rider washes her horse.)
(Text on screen)
for those hotter days, a cool down in the showers.

(Multiple horses, mounted by riders, walk towards the camera.)
(Text on screen)
But being on the Musical Ride doesn't mean our horses' training is over.

(Multiple horses, mounted by riders, trot around an outdoor riding arena.)
(Text on screen)
In fact, at this stage, horses and their riders train twice per day, five days a week,

from January until May.

(Slow motion shot of a horse jumping, while mounted by a rider.)
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This allows them to build their muscle mass and stamina,

(Two horses, mounted by a male and a female trainer, move towards the camera.)
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helping them continue to develop and prepare for their summer tour.

(Aerial shot of multiple horses and riders training in an indoor riding arena.)
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They do everything from equitation training to troop drills.

(Horses and riders in Red Serge perform in a previous Musical Ride show.)
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As May rolls in the horses are now truly ready for their days as performers on the Musical Ride,

(A close-up of a horse in his stall.)
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where they'll perform for years as long as they're happy and healthy.

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Royal Canadian Mounted Police / Gendarmerie royale du Canada signature
© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, 2020.

(Text on screen)
Canada Wordmark


The use of this video is restricted for the promotion of RCMP Musical Ride performance(s). You must receive prior written consent from the RCMP Intellectual Property Office for any other use.

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