2018 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - Northwest Territories (G Division)

Local cultural orientation training


  • G Division's North and South Detachments have established trainings/partnerships built with local bands for new members to receive a local perspective on cultural awareness training. Similar training at HQ/Yellowknife Detachment varies year to year.

Current status

  • Yellowknife Detachment already has partnered with B Dene Cultural Awareness Camp for workshops with front line Detachment Members.
  • Actions put forward to expand into HQ units (OCC priority) to ensure local cultural awareness and networking established.

Next steps

  • Continue to seek ongoing local opportunities for employees to learn about local culture, groups, and their community.

Conflict resolution training


  • Lapse of Conflict Resolution Training within Division for managers and employees.

Current status

  • G Division to confirm number of trained Conflict Resolution Managers.
  • Follow up with training opportunities for G Division for Conflict Resolution

Next steps

  • Ensure ongoing training and learning opportunity provided to allow for skill set to be refreshed for employees and managers.

Diversity, inclusion and bias awareness


  • Accountability of membership to incorporate the knowledge and skill set achieved via the AGORA courses pertaining to Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Bias Awareness.

Current status

  • Line Officers encouraged to continue to address expectations of behaviour in/out of uniform pertaining to Diversity and Inclusiveness.
  • G Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee considering sending out a monthly newsletter/message to address expectations, courses, resources, support, etc. with aim to keep themes of the Agora trainings present and fresh on employee's minds.
  • If a continued issue arises with an employee, look to provide additional learning opportunities and resources in order for further knowledge early on.

Next steps

  • Continue to seek ongoing local opportunities for employees to learn.

Approved by: C/Supt Jamie Zettler

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