2020 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - G Division


2019 G Division Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee (GHAC) Meetings held, May 13, 2019 and September 16, 2019.

The G Division GHAC carried over the following key issues:

  • Ongoing Cultural Orientation and Conflict Resolution Training.
  • Graduated Return to Work (GRW) Job Bank - addressing employee skill based/Interest based duties while on a GRW/Pregnant Member Working (PMW)/etc.
  • Ensure timely and meaningful for both employee/manager.
  • Peer to Peer and Employee Resources.

Some Key issues that were discussed and actioned in 2019 include:

  • Cultural Awareness
  • Conflict Resolution Training and Peer to Peer Program
    • Communication - Peer to Peer, GHAC, etc. discussion points, face to face opportunities with Peer to Peer, GHAC, Chaplain, etc.
  • GRW Job Bank
  • Employee Conduct Investigations within G Division
    • G Division statistics
    • Code of Conduct information and Senior Management Team (SMT) responsibilities and accountability
  • Harassment Policy - Commanding Officers expectations of SMT in discussing, reviewing, and ongoing need for education and information
  • Lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer plus (LGBTQ+) Criminal Justice Professionals Conference
    • Applying some of the models, information to G Division in Informal Training sessions
    • Serving with Pride packages for G Division
    • Provided Victoria Police (Australia) - Proud, Visible, Safe Report and Victoria Police (Australia) - Policing LGBTQ+ Youth documents
  • Accountability in training and non-optional completion of informal training


Employee wellness
  • Peer to Peer Support and Resources Available
    • Continue Re-vamp of Peer to Peer communication and presence
    • Continue to identify new Peer to Peers to ensure team structure
    • Wellness Document via Employee Management Relations Office (EMRO)
  • Informal Conflict Resolution Training
    • Commanding Officer commitment to ensure training ongoing and resources available to employees
  • Wellness Document/Quick Reference Guide - via EMRO and a resource available across Division despite geographical, Infoweb, and bandwidth challenges.
  • Improve GRW/PMW experience and relationships between employee/managers while encouraging and supporting career objectives via GRW Job Bank.
Cultural orientation
  • Continue to address local Indigenous Cultural Orientation and available resources for employee education, awareness, and community engagement
  • Detachment Training/Packages being created for "Serving With Pride" - a history, orientation, and opportunity for employees in regards to the LGBTQ+

Current status

Employee wellness
  • Peer to Peer
    • 5 new Peer to Peer were trained this June
    • Peer to Peer made face to face introductions during events such as Mental Health Week, Commanding Officer Coffee Break, and a few Detachment visits
    • EMRO sent out "Wellness Documents"
    • Peer to Peer Coordinator plans to hold G Division Peer to Peer meetings
  • Informal Conflict Resolution Training
    • Formal and Informal Training Sessions were held in January 2019
    • 2020 Dates for next course in planning stage
  • Wellness Doc/Quick Reference Guide
    • GroupWise Proxy created which will allow for a bounce back email with a resource document made available to employees without delay
  • GRW-Job Bank
    • Draft Job Bank created and Approved by Commanding Officer
Cultural orientation
  • Yellowknife Detachment and Criminal Operations continue to address the need and available resources for a local, tangible, cultural orientation, experience for Yellowknife Detachment and HQ employees.
  • Informal LGBTQ+ Education/Awareness

Next steps

  • Continue planning Informal Conflict Management and Cultural Orientation
  • Identify referral "subject matter experts", formalize, and distribute GRW Job Bank to Districts
  • Informal LGBTQ2+ training packages for Detachments and Employees to be drafted & approved.
  • Continue to seek local Cultural Orientation opportunities for employees
  • Serving with Pride - Informal Training to be drafted for G Division employees in regards to LGBTQ+

National recommendations

  • Communication of National and Divisional GHAC actions, priorities, and issues being presented
  • Ensure access or various modes of information is available to all employees (Agora Training, Peer to Peer, Chaplain, Health Services Officer) where barriers exist (i.e., Isolated Posts barriers)
  • SMT support/accountability of employees assigned to attend "informal" non-mandatory training
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