2021 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - D Division


  • Attempts to have the GHAC meet in person in 2020 were prevented by Public Health, RCMP and "D" Division COVID-19 response restrictions.
  • A virtual meeting was held by teleconference on 2020-11-24 during which committee members reintroduced themselves to each other, and discussed their hopes for the committee moving forward.
  • The new National EDI Strategy was discussed and supported.
  • The Final Report on the Implementation of the Merlo Davidson Settlement Agreement by retired. Justice Bastarache was also discussed with personal stories being shared, along with a general consensus that while there remains much room to improve, the Force has also come a long way with the appropriate shift in culture.


  • Reinvigorate GHAC which circumstances had allowed to become dormant with regular meetings and engagement.
  • Add new membership.

Current Status

  • Nil thus far.

Next Steps

  • Confirm dates for quarterly meetings.
  • Confirm ability of all committee members to utilize MS Teams as a preferred manner of meeting, particularly for those who are not posted to Division Headquarters.


  • None at this time.
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