2021 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - Depot


  • Unfortunately, the Depot committee was unable to conduct meetings throughout this year due to COVID-19 workplace restrictions which prevented staff, including the members of this committee, from being present and gathering in the workplace.


  • The committee was prepared to seek clarity on topics for discussion.
  • If necessary, the Depot GHAC was prepared to engage in consultation regarding any learning materials that would be developed and provided to RCMP employees, as was suggested in the previous report.

Current Status

  • Unfortunately, the Depot GHAC was unable to meet this year, however they remain committed to providing feedback on any education or awareness around harassment.

Next Steps

  • The committee remains focussed on preventing harassment through education and awareness.
  • The Depot committee will work to ensure it is able to meet via another platform or safely in-person, if possible.


  • Nothing further at this time.
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