2021 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - E Division


Meeting - June 25, 2020

  • February and May meetings were rescheduled; the first meeting of the year for the "E" Division GHAC was in June 2020. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic there was almost full attendance at the meeting.
  • Cst. Brittany Eaton and Sgt. Lorena Rostie Presented remotely on Out on Patrol a recently incorporated and non-profit peer support organization for LBTQ2S+ members of law enforcement which focuses on community engagement, charitable work, and education.
  • National Manager, HR Management Services was in attendance via teleconference and provided a brief on the development of the RCMP National Employment, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy.
  • Cpl. Colver Johns, a member of the National Council for Diversity and Inclusion (NCDI), attended via teleconference to share the work that is being done by the NCDI, and his work on the Transgender, Non-Binary and Two-Spirit (TNB2S) Employee Network
  • Sgt. Robert Ploughman and Cpl. Nycki Basra, members of the NGHAC, attended the meeting and were introduced to the E Div GHAC. They discussed the functions of the NGHAC.
  • CM Chisen Goto discussed Definitions, Organizational Subconscious and Perceptions and how they affect employees in the workplace.
  • Cpl. Christine Day presented on Gender Bias and Women and Recruiting addressing some of the barriers that may be facing women joining the RCMP as regular members, and some personal initiatives to engage women in the community.
  • Cpl. Jill Swann presented on Harassment: After the claim. What happens to the workplace after a harassment claim is filed?

2nd Meeting - October 14, 2020

  • It was decided that the October 14, 2020 meeting would be the final meeting of the year. It was the second meeting during the pandemic, so most of the attendees participated via teleconference.
  • Cpl. Colver Johns attended via teleconference. He provided an update on Project Rainbow an E Division pilot initiative that is a show of support for the diverse population in Canada. It consists of placing a Pride Flag sticker in a prominent part of an RCMP detachment. There is support for every detachment in the division to participate, and Cpl Johns reported it was very well received by both members and the community.
  • PSE Shaleena Meghji presented a proposal for "E for Everyone" as a hybrid for Positive space and allyship training that is inclusive to every category of employee.
  • CM Victoria Johnson provided an update on the newly formed GBA+ Network.
  • CO suggested a standing invitation to E Div Human Resources, as there is a nexus between GHAC initiatives and HR issues.

Overarching Objectives, Moving Forward

  • To increase communications with the NGHAC.
  • To review a test run of the E for Everyone training before deciding to endorse it.
  • To bring awareness of the need for healing a workplace after a harassment claim is filed.
  • To increase engagement with HR

Current Status

  • The three-year term for the GHAC members will be concluding December 31, 2020. Current GHAC members have been approached and given an option of returning for another term. The names of the members wishing to return for another term have been sent to NHQ. New members to be announced by NHQ.
  • A GHAC Member has contacted the Canada School of Public Service (CSPS) regarding the ability for RCMP members to access courses offered by the CSPS.
  • A GHAC member is in contact with National Recruiting to discuss ways to recruit more women into the RCMP. Discussions in this area have been delayed since the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic.

Next Steps

  • "E" Division GHAC members will be announced for the next cycle. An E Div GHAC meeting will be scheduled in the first quarter of 2021. The E Div GHAC will preview the training for E for Everyone prior to endorsement. The E Div GHAC will review the National Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) strategy upon its official release.


  • The NGHAC and GHAC review/analyze the Final Report on the Implementation of the Merlo Davidson Settlement to identify any recommendations that might be considered for implementation through GHAC initiatives.
  • A merger of the NCDI and the GHAC to work together on initiatives for Diversity and Inclusion, and Gender Harassment. This merger will provide more opportunity for the GHAC to contribute in a tangible way. A merger of the two committees will allow for a coordinated approach to issues relevant to GHAC.
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