2019 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - Depot


May 23, 2018: The Depot Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee has met twice previously (first date unknown). No issues or concerns have been submitted to the committee by Depot employees at this time. Therefore, the committee is still in the process of developing meaningful initiatives to move forward.


  • Clarify mandate of committee
  • Advise Commanding Officer on gender and harassment related developments

Current status

  • The divisional committee has met with Depot's representative on the National Gender and Harassment Committee to gain the national perspective.
  • The chair of Depot's Employment Equity committee was also spoken with to see where opportunities to work together exist, and/or where committee specific initiatives may overlap.
  • Merlo-Davidson recommendations were also discussed.

Next step

The committee will seek further clarification on its mandate. This should include specific, tangible items to be addressed so that meaningful discussions can take place.


National Committee provide guidance and/or assistance to divisional committees struggling to gain traction or to produce meaningful results.

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