2019 Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee Annual Report - K Division


May 13, 2018

Presentations by representatives from the RCMP's Peer-to-Peer and Informal Conflict Management programs

Reviewed the Terms of Reference compiled by the National Gender and Harassment Advisory Committee

Presentation by Sergeant Lou, who has developed a one-day workshop on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender (LGBT), Islam 101, Human Rights for Policing, Diversity and Bias Free Policing

Decision to prepare a "Discovering K" Video message introducing the committee members and requesting comments, suggestions, ideas and feedback for future policy recommendations

August 8, 2018
"Discovering K" video published on the RCMP internal info web.
October 24, 2018

We have received no comments at all as a result of the video. We discussed different strategies on how to connect with employees in order to hear about concerns and issues.

Suggestions to hold "Town Hall" type meetings across the Division. Town Halls should be facilitated and include a discussion panel involving the Commanding Officer (CO), the Employee Management Relations Office and two committee members. The goal is to solicit suggestions, ideas and feedback on how we can divisionally reduce harassment based on gender or diversity. The group agreed to that tentatively; however, we will need to confirm with the new CO upon his arrival.

A sub-committee was formed to conduct preliminary research on location, format and schedule.

December 11, 2018
The committee met with Deputy Commissioner Zablocki in attendance. He would like the committee to consider how the committee's initiatives will support certain aspects of the RCMP's Vision 150 activities as they role out. Our group will meet again on January 22, 2019, and will continue to formulate a way forward at that time that both supports and considers such ideas.


Continued efforts to solicit comments, suggestions, feedback and ideas from employees across the division on how to reduce harassment based on gender or diversity.

Current status

Next division committee meeting to be held on January 22, 2019.

Next steps

  • Discuss a moving forward strategy for the division that will support relevant activities/actions planned for Vision 150, while also moving forward initiatives that promote a workplace free of harassment, and promotes and educates employees in creating a respectful, compassionate, inclusive environment, for both internal and external stakeholders.
  • The committee will continue to contribute to, and collaborate on, the overall Division employee wellness, respect and inclusivity strategy, which is in the process of being developed.


  • Continued work on conflict resolution training throughout the organization.
  • Increased focus and training on education, training on difficult conversations with supervisors, further education on diversity and inclusion.
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